Are you seeking to deepen your relationship with the Mórrígan?
Our challenge is designed to help you develop a daily practice, and build or strengthen your relationship with the Mórrígan. Over the course of 5 days, we'll be examining the manuscript text of the Táin Bó Cúailnge, the Cattle Raid of Cooley, for specific mentions of the Mórrígan and her Sisters, then focusing it through meditation and prayer.
Take the 5 Day Challenge
Discover the rich history and mythology of the Mórrígan while developing a daily practice and strengthening your relationship.
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How this Challenge Works
Each day, you'll receive a short piece of devotional text to read, think about, and meditate on. You can also write it out in your own hand, if that would be useful to you. That evening, at sunset, or just before bed, read and think/meditate on the devotional excerpt again and say a short prayer to the Mórrígan. Then, go to sleep with your journal (or recording device/tool of preference) close at hand.
When you wake in the morning, record a stream of consciousness flow in your journal, or use the prompt provided in the previous day's email for inspiration.

Enhance your understanding of native Irish spirituality and the Mórrígan's role in it.

Engage in daily devotional practices, including reading, meditation, and prayer.

Build a foundation for continued study and practice, with community connection.

Learn from an experienced heritage scholar, guide and Irish Priest of the Goddess Mórrígan.
Give Yourself the Gift of 5 Days
You can develop a stronger connection with the Mórrígan and her sovereign power, while exploring a new form of spiritual practice.
Take the Challenge