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Is the Morrigan Calling You?

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Hearing the Call of the Ancient Irish Goddess?

Discover the subtle whispers and roaring calls of the Morrigan, the Irish goddess of battle, prophecy, and magic. This workshop is your gateway to understanding the signs of her presence in your life and the profound impact she can have on your spiritual journey.


Is the Morrigan Reaching Out to You?

Learn to interpret the signs and symbols that could indicate the Morrigan's call to you. From dreams and visions to encounters with the crow family, this workshop provides the insights needed to recognise her guidance and messages.


Deepen Your Connection to Irish Spirituality

Engage with the Morrigan's rich lore and history to enhance your understanding of Irish spirituality and paganism. This workshop not only explores her role and significance but also how you can honour and work with her in your personal practice.


Discover How You Can Work with the Morrigan

By registering, you gain access to Irish mythological wisdom, personal insights from a seasoned practitioner and Priest, and practical tips for forging a deeper connection with one of Ireland's most powerful deities.

Don't miss this unique opportunity to expand your spiritual horizons and embrace the Morrigan's call.

"Brought tears to my eyes. While I did have a big, obvious, moment about a year ago, this information confirmed my suspicion that She'd been watching me for the majority of my life. I completely understand the timing of Herself's formal introduction, especially being that it was a direct prophecy, and am so very grateful to have found Lora's resources shortly thereafter. Thank you, so very much for this, as both a confirmation of sorts, as well as a very needed kick in the pants with regards to my personal practice."

- Laura Bergh (YT Review)

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Are you feeling overwhelmed by the mysterious signs and symbols in your life, unsure whether to interpret them as a call from the Morrigan?

🐦‍⬛Whether you're stuck in deciphering the messages hidden in crow encounters, struggling with the sudden intensity of your spiritual experiences, or searching for a way to honour and engage with a deity that feels both compelling and complex, you're navigating a path many have trodden before.

🐦‍⬛These experiences, while unique, share common threads of confusion, longing for clarity, and the desire for genuine connection.

🐦‍⬛Join us in this workshop to finally learn what it takes to recognise, understand, and respond to the Morrigan's call. This workshop offers the guidance, knowledge, and community support you need to embrace this transformative journey with confidence.

🐦‍⬛Register now to start unravelling the mysteries that have beckoned you towards a deeper spiritual awakening.

"She came to me during a huge time of need. I had never even heard of her before then. Suddenly everything in my life had a reference to her. I felt this pull to learn anything I could about her. The more I learned, the more she pushed. I haven't figured out what she wants me to do yet, but I will."

- Misty Dawn (YT Review)

A Note From Your Guide, Lora O'Brien...

Navigating the realm of Irish spirituality, particularly when it comes to understanding the call of the Morrigan, can feel like wandering through a dense, Otherworld fog. Many of ye have shared your experiences of mysterious signs, the profound yet puzzling pull towards the Morrigan, and the uncertainty of how to proceed. I hear your confusion, your thirst for clarity, and your desire to connect authentically with this powerful deity.

With decades of experience as a priest of the Morrigan, guardian of her sacred sites, and a committed educator on Irish Paganism, I'm here to guide you through this enigmatic landscape. Together, we'll clear the fog, interpret the signs, and establish a meaningful, reciprocal relationship with the Morrigan.

Join me in this workshop, and let's begin your journey of discovery and transformation together.

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